Aicha’s Twaalf: Ece Temelkuran


foto’s: © Annelies Verhelst

We’re very honoured with this week’s guest: Ece Temelkuran is a true international media personality. She is from Turkey where she became famous for her investigative journalism, her books and TV show. She has lived in Beirut, she speaks Arabic ánd her last book The Sounds of Bananas was translated into Dutch. Run to the store! But not before you learn all about her.

My favourite film scene is… The flying nylon bag in American Beauty. Such a visual poem. The scene features the white nylon bag flying in the wind and meanwhile the protagonist is telling how amazing, confusing, incredible life is. The poetica in the scene was so plain yet so deep.

One day I would like to go to… Scotland and stand on the top of a hill by the sea and watch the waves hitting the rocks.

My beauty bag is not complete without… My pen. I always end up finding a pen in my make-up bag. I think it shows that I have not been able to be a proper lady and writing is always more crucial than looking good.

The worst thing I ever bought is… A hair dryer that you wear on your head and which makes you look like a start-up astronaut.

The best thing I ever tasted isKıbbeh with hummus in Beirut, passion fruit in Kongo.

I was happiest when… In 2006. Paris. In love. On a top floor of an old house. With a croissant. Clichés are there for a reason.


What I regret most… That I didn’t run away from home when I was sixteen. Walter Benjamin says that you never can compensate that.

I’m not superstitious, but… I am extremely superstitious! Mine is ‘a la minute superstition’. If the next car driving is red then everything will be fine. If the cat stops and looks at me then I will gett the job. If there is one cigarette in the package I am calling him. Stuff like that. It is ‘playing with destiny’ I guess.

My most irritating feature is… I concentrate too much sometimes I don’t hear people calling my name.

I always lie about… Getting bored. Most of the time I am bored and I don’t tell that.

I can’t control myself when… Something unfair happpens to someone I love.

I would dump my lover for… Not loving me enough. And only I know what enough is.

het geluid van bananen



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