Aicha’s Twaalf: Nir Baram

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Nir Baram is Israel’s literary wonder child. He has written five successful books and scored an admirable international succes with his novel ‘Good People’ (‘Goede Mensen’ in Dutch). His latest novel, ‘World Shadow’, wil be out in Dutch translation tomorrow. On that occasion Nir will be gracing the Netherlands the coming weeks and he will participate in several meetings and lectures. Please do check him out and make him feel welcome.

My favourite film scene is… The final scene from The Third man by Carol Reed.

One day I would like to go to… St. Petersburg in the year 1938.

My bag is not complete without… Cigarettes.

The worst thing I ever bought is… Betting on the horse “Rock roll boy” in a race. He did not even start.

The best thing I ever tasted is… Belgian waffles.

de wereldschaduw

I was happiest when… I played football in the community center team. I was twelve at the time and scored five goals against our mortal enemies.

What I regret most regret is… All the things I did not tell to the people I loved and who passed away.

I’m not superstitious, but… I am superstitious.

My most irritating feature is… My obsession with memories.

I always lie about… The novels I write.

I can’t control myself when … I’m really scared.

I would dump my lover for… A party thrown by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda.

‘Wereldschaduw’ kun je hier bestellen.

